E-Sign Disclosure, Consent, and Electronic Communication Agreement

Please read this information carefully and print or download a copy for your files.

By continuing with this online application, you consent to receive all account agreements, and other documents, disclosures, statements and notices associated with your account, electronically. You are also consenting to receive all future agreements, documents, disclosures, statements and notices, including but not limited to your monthly statement, electronically. All communications and documents relating to your account and the services we provide will be delivered to you electronically. 

Your account is provided to you by Sterling National Bank. You have entered into a Deposit Account Agreement (“Account Agreement”) and your account is subject to that agreement. 

This E-Sign Disclosure, Consent and Electronic Communications Agreement (“ECA”) applies to all communications related to your account and accompanying services available through www.globaling.io (the “Site”) and the Globaling mobile application (“Mobile App”). This ECA supplements and is to be construed in accordance with the terms contained in the Account Agreement and the User Agreement (“User Agreement”), that you received when you opened your account. 

“We”, “us”, “our”, refers to Sterling National Bank (“Bank”), Globaling, LLC (“Globaling”) and each of their respective affiliates, successors or assignees. “Communication(s)” means any customer agreements, including but not limited to this ECA, the Account Agreement, the User Agreement, privacy notices or amendments thereto, all disclosures, statements, notices, responses to claims, transaction histories, and all other information communicated to you in connection with the account(s) or related products and services, including but not limited to information that we are required by law to provide you “in writing.”

The account is intended for use only by persons who are willing and able to receive notices and communications exclusively through the Site, the Mobile App or via other electronic means (i.e., e-mail, chat, text message/SMS).  Subject to applicable law, if you do not agree to receive all notices, including but not limited to notices that are required by law, in electronic and not paper form, you may not open an account. Similarly, if after providing your consent hereunder, you withdraw such consent, your account will be closed. 


When you use a product or service to which this ECA applies, you agree that we may provide you with any Communication in electronic format, to the extent allowed by law, and that we will not send paper Communications to you.  Your consent to receive electronic Communications includes, but is not limited to:

  • Agreements related to your account (including the Account Agreement, User Agreement or any other applicable agreement), and all amendments thereto;
  • All legal and regulatory disclosures and communications associated with your account;
  • Periodic statements regarding activity in your account;
  • Privacy policies and notices;
  • Responses to claims filed in connection with your account;
  • Notices of resolution of any claimed error in connection with an electronic transfer;
  • Notices regarding insufficient funds or negative balances; and
  • All other communications between us and you concerning your account and any related transactions, products or services.

Methods of Electronic Communications

Communications that we provide to you in electronic form will be provided either (1) via email, (2) SMS where available or (3) by notifications delivered through the Mobile App.  

How to Update Your Records

It is your responsibility to provide us with a true, accurate and complete email address, cellular phone number, other contact information related to this ECA and your account, and to maintain the information and keep it current. You must promptly update your profile if there are any changes to this information. You can update information (such as your email address) by emailing [email protected], or by contacting us at  +1 (888) 627-5407. We are not responsible for any delay or failure in your receipt of the Communications if we send the Communications to the last email address or mobile number you have provided to us.

Hardware and Software Requirements

In order to access and view electronic Communications that we make available to you, you must have:

For the Mobile App: 

  1. An Apple iPhone running a current version of iOS
  2. Access to a cellular carrier 
  3. Native browser that supports the iOS operating system that is on most recent version 

On desktop computers:

  1. Windows (7 or higher) or Mac OS X
  2. Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11, Safari 9 (or higher), or the latest available version of Mozilla, Firefox or Google Chrome

You will also need a printer if you wish to print out and retain Communications on paper, and electronic storage if you wish to retain Communications in electronic form. 

Requesting Paper Copies

We will not send you a paper copy of any Communication, however, we reserve the right, but assume no obligation, to provide a paper (instead of electronic) copy of any Communication that you have authorized us to provide electronically. You can obtain a paper copy of an electronic Communication by printing it yourself or by requesting that we mail you a paper copy. To request a paper copy, contact us at +1-61-96-57-00-70 during normal business hours. We may charge you a reasonable service charge for the delivery of paper copies of any Communication that would otherwise be provided to you electronically pursuant to this authorization.

Communications in Writing

All Communications in either electronic or paper format from us to you will be considered “in writing”. You should print or download for your records a copy of this ECA and any other Communication that is important to you.

Federal Law

You acknowledge and agree that your consent to electronic Communications is being provided in connection with a transaction affecting interstate commerce that is subject to federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (the “Act”), and that you and we both intend that the Act apply to the fullest extent possible to validate our ability to conduct business with you by electronic means.

Termination or Changes

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to discontinue the provision of your electronic Communications, or to terminate or change the terms and conditions on which we provide electronic Communications. We will provide you with notice of any such termination or change as required by law.


During the onboarding process, you will be asked to indicate you have reviewed and agree to this Agreement. By indicating “I agree”, you are providing consent to us to use this agreement as your electronic signature and you give your affirmative consent to provide electronic Communications to you as described herein. You further represent and warrant that your computer and mobile phone satisfy the hardware and software requirements specified above. You further represent and warrant that that you have provided us with a current e-mail address and mobile phone number at which we may send electronic Communications to you. You also consent to receiving messages and notices via text message to your mobile phone. Such messages will be limited to information about your account or transactions. Standard text messaging rates may apply.

How to Withdraw Consent

You may exercise your right to withdraw your consent to receive Communications in electronic form by writing us at 2221 Camino Del Rio South Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92108 or by e-mailing us at [email protected]. If you withdraw your consent, we will close your account and mail you a check in the amount of funds remaining in your account at the time of closure, in accordance with the terms of your Account Agreement. Withdrawal of your consent shall not affect the legal validity and enforceability of prior Communications delivered in electronic form.

Initial Use of Account

You acknowledge that your initial use of your account will constitute your agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of your Account Agreement, and all related disclosures, this ECA, the User Agreement, and all other documents associated with your account.

Print This ECA for Your Records

You should print or save this ECA by using the “print” or “file save” options in your internet browser