The January slope: The Never ending story?

the january slope

New year, fresh start. Same problems? With the first calendar month a lapidary phrase always returns. A Chronicle of a Death Foretold. The January slope is here. Are you ready for it? 

How to face the January slope

How to face the January slope. This is a question to answer in July. In September, maybe. December? could be. In January, definitively not. For those who did not forecast, overcoming the first 31 days of 2022 (or any year) is quite a challenge. 

Moderation: take it easy

December is usually the month where family expenses increase. But if the last weeks of each year there is money to spend, in January it’s time to go slowly. It’s time to moderate expenses as much as possible, until the balance of personal and family finances is restored.

No debts

No more debts. That is not a song, but it should be the goal. Paying bills has to be the number one priority for anyone.  You must prevent liabilities from growing.

Consolidating all your credits under the services of a single banking institution is a good plan. Then, you simplify the payments (you would make only one every month) and under a single interest rate

Do you know where the money goes?

A crisis is an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to do things better and to grow. If you really want to change your finances, you need to start doing a personal budget. Do you know where your money goes? That’s the question.

The January Slope can give you the final push so as not postpone financial planning any longer. If you do it now, at the beginning of next year you will not think about any slope… At least you wanna go skiing.

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