Entrepreneurship and migration: a winning combination


Talking about migration is fashionable. What is rarely mentioned is that entrepreneurship, another top topic today, has a close relationship with migratory movements.

Our intention is not to reinforce these concepts. We simply want to highlight the existing possibilities. Because it is a fact that the combination of migration and entrepreneurship can produce surprising results. Both individually and collectively.

A quick review

Elon Musk (Tesla), Sergey Brin (Google), Mike Kriegen (Instagram) and Jan Koum (Whatsapp). Four cases of innovative and entrepreneurial immigrants with unprecedented results.

Of course, not all ventures end in success. Replicating what was built by the aforementioned names is difficult. But neither can one fall to the opposite extreme and affirm that immigrants only reduce opportunities for those born in the host countries.

Entrepreneurship and migration: an obstacle course?

Those who decide or are forced to live abroad generally face a long list of obstacles. Requirements that in many cases seek to guarantee order in migratory flows. But in many others it is about measures with a marked dissuasive spiritual rather than normative.

At the same time, obtaining financial instruments in host countries can be another impossible mission. For an immigrant, building a credit history is not usually an easy task.

We are #TeamGlobaling

From immigrants for immigrants. An enterprise of global citizens, your gateway to financial services. For everything you do, the credit is yours.

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